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case study

CFD Supersonic Femto Logo Project

This article aims to give some insight into supersonic flows as well as the background…

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CFD Project Rain

During this rainy weather, we wanted to know more on how to simulate this type…

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case study

Case study: CFD Simulation of an underwater yacht exhaust

with Simcenter STAR-CCM+

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case study

Wave impact on rigid walls

This case study explains how CFD is used to analyse the behavior of waves on…

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STAR-CCM+: A modern solution for modern engineers

Why exploring STAR-CCM+ is worth your while

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STAR-CCM+ innovative licensing

High Performance Computing

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CFD analysis roadblocks

The structure and most common roadblocks of CFD analysis are outlined in this article.

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What is CFD?

Get an impression of the usage and possibilities of CFD.

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about us

At Femto Engineering we help companies achieve their innovation ambitions with engineering consultancy, software, and R&D.
We are Siemens DISW Expert Partner for Simcenter Femap, Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ and SDC verifier. Get in touch and let us make CAE work for you.

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